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News Release
  • Hotline started trial operation to facilitate the protection of minors since June 1 2021-06-22
  • The "12345 Public Service Hotline" has opened the function of "the protection of minors" on a trial basis since June 1, enabling the government to perform its duty of protecting the rights and interests of minors more effectively.

    The public can call the 12345 hotline for queries about policies and regulations in relation to the protection of minors, complaints and reports on violations of the legitimate rights and interests of minors, and relief and protection of minors in plight. Relevant departments will properly process them in time. If the issue reported by the public is related to criminal or public security case against minors, or is under the jurisdiction of the courts and procuratorates, it will be transferred by relevant departments to the above judicial organs for handling. The public can also report directly to the police by calling 110 or to the courts or procuratorates through their channels.